Scout Investigations

Teenage/Child welfare
Background Checks
Missing Persons
NRA Firearms Instruction
Notary services
About Us
Contact us
  • Ever thought you were being followed?


  • Do you get inappropriate phone calls, hang-ups, etc?


  • Does that strange guy from work show up in other places?


  •  Is your ex just not getting the clue?
If you ansered yes to these questions, you may have a stalker. 
Stalkers are frightening. Their motives are often unknown until it is too late. 
The number one defense to a stalker is a restraining order.  These are impossible to get if you don't know who your stalker is or cannot prove your need to a Judge.
We can assist you in identifying your stalker, and gaining evidence to get a permanent restraining order against them.  Continued investigations could be performed to determine if your stalker is breaking the order -- and we can assist you in their prosecution. 
If you think you have a stalker contact us
Scout Investigation Services offers certified instruction in NRA's Basic Pistol course. 
Students that successfully complete the course receive an NRA certificate that is honored by the state of Montana for application for a Concealed Carry Permit. 
Contact us to reserve your seat for the tentative October 25th class date!